Dialect Not Found

I decided to have a little bit of fun and put one of the pages on this site through The Dialectizer on RinkWorks. Unfortunately, the URL scheme on this site and The Dialectizer don't seem to get along very well, and so no matter what frillerworks page you go to, you get a 404 error. This, however, did not rob me of my fun. It was actually quite entertaining to read what resulted from the translation of this 404 page .

(Oh yeah, I can link specific 404 pages on this site, and now you can too.)

Anyway, I copied it so that you can also enjoy the same atrocity of which I have encountered.

Yeah, sorry, it's an iframe. I wasn't sure exactly how else to stick it here. Sorry for the double scrollbars.

UPDATE: Although, come to think of it, I could just put a link here in case an iframe doesn't work anymore.

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Background Information from Old Stories

Ever wanted to know more about what's going on with the weird town of Arkwood Pond? Well, read this article and you will get filled in.

Our Favorite Detective Vs. The Evil Group: Chapter 1.2: It begins

Our favorite detective has his first encounter with Richard. Seems he might be on to something.

Privacy Information

At FrillerWorks, we're Hiding behind curtains while we change our clothes in the office.

Jawsh McCullaugh was left in the car by himself for a couple hours. Just wait till you see people's reactions to what he put ON FACEBOOK!

At FrillerWorks, we're Sharing our discoveries of genetic paraplegicness with you. Because we care.