Okay, look...

You've run across a page giving you a 404 error because it can't be found. If this is the first time that this has happened to you on this site, you might not find this page relavent, but then again, you might enjoy the explanation anyway. Also, if you've dealt with Apache or seen the default 404 error page that it comes with, you probably already know what I'm about to explain, but this page is for those that don't know. I dunno, read it at your own choice, just like you would anything else. (Or press F5 for a different error page.)

Anyway, here's the explanation for the last two lines of every 404 page on the site.

The first line, the one before the horizontal rule, is the proper HTTP error code that gets sent out whenever a requested page can't be found on the server. This code gets sent as part of the header, but I've elected to send it as part of the page as well, just to be sure that it's understood by anything/anyone that might need to know the error, but didn't read the HTTP header.

The second line, the one after the horizontal rule, is a joke on the default 404 page that gets served by Apache whenever someone hasn't set up a custom 404 page yet. After it explains that it can't find the page that you've requested, and that it's a 404 Not Found error, it has a little line on the bottom that says "Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to find an ErrorDocument to process the request." This means that it couldn't find the custom 404 page to display when a 404 error happens. Since my site actually has the 404 ErrorDocument, I've set it up to display that there's a 200 OK error, even though 200 OK isn't an error. Yeah, it's not really funny, but I decided it was good enough for this site.

So there's your explanations. Also,

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found

Additionally, a 200 OK Error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request


You've been wasting paper! You shouldn't be trying to print out pages that don't exist!

Don't print out 404 ErrorDocuments! There's no way you're going to need this on paper to reference later!

Apologies to all of you on browsers that don't support CSS media queries. That's only supposed to show up to people that try to print out the 404 page. Maybe a poem about a sick cat will cheer you up?

Hey, try reading these too:

SuperMegaTroise! Fight the challenge, save the day! SuperMegaTroise!

At FrillerWorks, we're Imported from Japan! Okay, okay, it was China. Labor's cheaper there.

Dialect Not Found

At FrillerWorks, we're I'm not sure if I found this page.

Arkwood Pond's Favorite Detective

At FrillerWorks, we're Doing what we do best. Speaking of the word do...

The Story of FrillerIdiot.tk -- or how jawsh.mccullaugh.com came to be

At FrillerWorks, we're Four score and seven years ago this site was nothing but a... um... nothing. Not even a cow.