jawsh.mccullaugh.com FrillerIdiot.com -- Quote of the Week

Quote of the week:
"If you think a weakness can be turned into a strength, I hate to tell you this, but that's another weakness." --Jack Handy
QOTW archive

Owtqury: This is what jawsh.mccullaugh.com used to look like. This area up here was used for announcements, or just to say stupid stuff.

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Use a Microwave
Halloween 2011
New Year 2011
Dial-up Debian
Bison & Jr.
New Town: Yellow River?
New Year 2010
Chocolate Algebra
Sigs of the Intertubes
Convert with VLC
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jawsh.mccullaugh.com -- Why couldn't the joke walk? Because it was lame.

Lame Jokes

So, um, I don't know why I'm even putting these up here.  I'll probably just ruin my reputation and everyone will think I'm a boring person with no real sense of humor.  But, that is not true.  I am the funniest person in the world.  I just don't feel like proving it right now.  Yeah, that's it.  In fact, I'm going to un-prove it.  Then through the law of reverse positives you all will think that I am hilarious.  And that that law exists.

What did the tree say after the storm?  Boy, I sure do feel winded.

You know you're a progammer when someone asks you, "What's 1 and 1?" and you say "1".

What did the pig say to the cow?  Oink.

What did the cow say to the pig?  Sorry, I don't speak pig.

What is a pirates favorite way to backup his files?  tARRRballs.

What is the natural log of 1?  However many logs it takes a man to build his cabin.

What part of history really likes to be scary?  "Boo"jamin Franklin (Benjamin, Boojamin, Get it? HAHAHAHAHAHA lol)

What does the excited train say?  w00t! w00000000000t!
ads JMC and the Disenchantors

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jawsh.mccullaugh.com is part of the McCullaugh.com network. This site is a production of Spiltpopcorn media.