jawsh.mccullaugh.com FrillerIdiot.com -- Quote of the Week

Quote of the week:
"If you think a weakness can be turned into a strength, I hate to tell you this, but that's another weakness." --Jack Handy
QOTW archive

Owtqury: This is what jawsh.mccullaugh.com used to look like. This area up here was used for announcements, or just to say stupid stuff.

You may have been redirected here if you clicked a link to an old article that hasn't been converted to the new format. There's currently no need to update your bookmarks, I don't believe in breaking URL's.
What's here today What's Here Today:

Use a Microwave
Halloween 2011
New Year 2011
Dial-up Debian
Bison & Jr.
New Town: Yellow River?
New Year 2010
Chocolate Algebra
Sigs of the Intertubes
Convert with VLC
The Bad Guy
Frozen Boxer Song
The Time-Shift Theory
Lame Jokes
Pi Day
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The Unofficial Cool WebLinks Page

First question you ask: Why is it unofficial?  Well, here's why.  I'm going to eventually develop one that I can update on the go, but for now I decided to just make one that I can go ahead and post stuff now.  Doesn't make sense?  Don't worry about it.  Just know that this isn't the official page yet.

Second question you ask:  What the pfargtl?  Well, I'll tell you.  Basically every now and then I surf the web (but only every now and then, not on a day to day... okay, I do it quite a lot).  Where was I?  Oh yeah, on these occasions when I surf the web (which is the only surfing I do as of now).  Stop interrupting me, me.  Anyway, there are these times when I do this crap and I find crap that I wanna share with all y'all.  Now I can do that.  Great, now I'm in kind of an angry tone.  Hold on a sec while I calm down real quick.  Okay.  Anyway, this page is where I can now share the interesting stuff I find.  Or, at least, I find it interesting.  And finally, what the pfargtl? And here's your first link...

4/5/2010: The iTablet

So, there's the iPad that just recently came out from Apple that's supposed to be the great magical device that will solve your mobile computing issues (which you have but might not know it).  Anyway, it's supposed to be like a tablet computer but it's really more like a huge iPhone.  This has ended up to disappoint a number of people, including myself, that would rather have had a Mac tablet.  Well, there was this one guy who actually made a so-called iTablet, which is a Macintosh computer that has been turned into a tablet.  Although I can't tell exactly how old this post is, the oldest comment is from April 20, 2008, so you know that it's before the whole iPad buzz.  Read it now...

4/7/2010: Mmm... pi.

One of my friends just emailed this to me and I totally had to share this: http://www.ahajokes.com/cartoon/mmm_pi.jpg

4/7/2010: Catalytic Converter

The return of the cheezburger... YAY!

funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

4/23/10: Enviropig

Finally, we can dump out pig crap silos into the river and not worry about our towns being covered with glass envirodomes!  This just makes me want to sing:
Enviropig, enviropig
Craps a lot less phosphorous
Is he natural at all?
No he's not, he's enviropig.
Watch out for enviropig.

4/29/10: Caution: We're About To Rock Out

source: There I fixed it.com

5/10/10: Pi Chart

funny graphs and charts
see more Funny Graphs 

A Game of Cards

How weird can governments get? This weird

B'arack: Son of Obama

I hadn't exactly thought of this before, but... well... judge for yourself: Intelligent Political Discourse (Hijinks Ensue)

5/24/10: My Dreamcast makes art...

I totally want to do this, but I don't want to break my dreamcast. I want to make these.

5/25/10: Top Ten Food Religious Figures

Okay, so some of these might be a stretch, but it's still pretty intertaining to look at.
And here's some more.

5/26/10: INGENUITY

Yeah, yeah, so I know Very Demotivational isn't as funny as it used to be, but this one's okayish.
demotivational posters
see more

5/27/10: 50 Stupid Laws from 50 States

The title says it all. click this one

5/27/10: Bye bye Beiber! (hooray)

A great tool that erases that bieber dude from the internet. Who's she? Who cares? Get the awesomeness!

5/27/10: What tv idiot is next?

I'm a mac. And I'm a pc. No, I'm neither of those. I'm a person. Actually, those two dudes are gone from tv! Who's next?

5/27/10: The Beige Site

Now, before you click on this link, please note that I have nothing against old people in general. The are many people out there that are both old and cool. I just happen to find this site funny, that's all.

3/17/11: St. Patty's Day Mint Milkshake

I haven't tried making this yet, but the recipe looks pretty legit, so you should totally try it
ads JMC and the Disenchantors

Break free to FrillerWorks

Quilts, doll clothes, and more at Susan's Sweaters.

Check out the other site: ArkwoodPond.info

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