The Bad Guy:

Part 2: Benjamin's coffee

Ah, the end of the day. I left my office in search of a good briefcase. Walking down main street I started to get a little bit tired. So I stopped by Benjamin's Coffee.

"I'll have the usual," I said. The person at the counter looked at me with a quizzical look as if to inquire about my lack of a briefcase.

"I'm sorry, I'm new here and I'm just getting to know everyone. What do you usually have?" Well, guess I was wrong. Maybe I'd be more recognizable if I had a shiny new briefcase.

"Oh, hey! How's our local detective?" Benjamin inquired from the back. "The usual?"

"Yup. With extra syrup," I said. Extra syrup. Maybe the bad guy had syrup in his bag. I hope we don't get an invasion of syrup thieves. Then I wouldn't be able to have my coffee proper. And without my coffee, I just cannot think. And not thinking is a bad thing. I need to think or else I won't be able to solve this case, which, for some reason, requires me to have a briefcase. So I left in search of a briefcase.

"Not going to wait for your coffee?" Benjamin asked.

Right. The coffee. Why defend what you're not going to drink? So, I waited some more for my coffee.

Ring. The bell rang. I received my coffee. Finally, I could wake up. I went and took a nice big gulp of it. You know, I really like the way coffee feels as it burns your throat. Kind of a nice startling feeling to wake you up. Gives you a nice jump, you know. I wish I could jump. Then I could be a basketball player. That'd be awesome. I think I'm gonna go sign up for the NBA right now. I'd bet they'd be really impressed with me. If only I had a briefcase.

So I left the place. I left to go home and look through my briefcase catalog. That's when I saw him. A guy with a mask and a paper bag. I looked at him and he ran away. Kinda like how most women do when I look at them. He must be a girl deep down inside. A girl, with a paper bag.

Read: Part 1 or go on to Part 3 .

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The Bad Guy: Part 3: Later that evening...

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