Lame Jokes

So, um, I don't know why I'm even putting these up here.  I'll probably just ruin my reputation and everyone will think I'm a boring person with no real sense of humor.  But, that is not true.  I am the funniest person in the world.  I just don't feel like proving it right now.  Yeah, that's it.  In fact, I'm going to un-prove it.  Then through the law of reverse positives you all will think that I am hilarious.  And that that law exists.

What did the tree say after the storm?  Boy, I sure do feel winded.

You know you're a progammer when someone asks you, "What's 1 and 1?" and you say "1".

What did the pig say to the cow?  Oink.

What did the cow say to the pig?  Sorry, I don't speak pig.

What is a pirates favorite way to backup his files?  tARRRballs.

What is the natural log of 1?  However many logs it takes a man to build his cabin.

What part of history really likes to be scary?  "Boo"jamin Franklin (Benjamin, Boojamin, Get it? HAHAHAHAHAHA lol)

What does the excited train say?  w00t! w00000000000t!