
I have a confession to make about the Featured Quotes found on this website.

Get ready...

I find half of the Featured Quotes by running fortune over and over until I find one that I like, and then I try to find an attribution and post it on the site. The same almost applies to this one, but this one's actually a little different. Here's the story.

The VERY first quote to appear when I ran fortune this morning, on November 8th, Election Day, 2016, happened to be this one. A quote involving lies about promises. Absolutely perfect for the day we elect the president, and new congress, among other positions. My big problem: The quote has no source! So I internetted it, and I couldn't find the exact quote. Because of this, I attributed it as source unknown.

Source unknown, but behold! Here's a page that has the second half of the quote. Looks like it's about a guy named Huey Long. It's an interesting read, and you should check it out.

One last thing that I ask of you; though, is please remember that I only said HALF of the quotes come from running fortune over and over again. The rest come from Bartletts', stuff I hear on radio shows, and whatever else. See, I do research a little bit from time to time. I'm not completely lazy.

I'm not.

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