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 *  ==============
 *  |FrillerWorks| <- Your source for humor, computer stuff, and more!
 *  ==============
 *  WE'RE ON fw70.online NOW! CHECK US OUT THERE.
 *  fw70.online
 *  fw70.online webgopher
 *  Welcome to the FrillerWorks gopherhole (port 7070)! It's like the
 *  website, but it's gopher-cool! Eventually most of the stuff from
 *  the website version should get here, but for now we only have a few
 *  things. Let me know if there's an article you want moved here. Most
 *  likely, I can do it with just a few button punches. Enjoy!
 *  Spiltpopcon Featured Quoteplain
 *  In a hurry? Try one of our disappointingly quick stories:
 *  Disappointingly Quick Storiesgopher-menu
 *  Maybe you'd enjoy a nice overdue essay?
 *  Why they shoud build a Giant Letter Eplain
 *  It's our latest detective story!
 *  Our Favorite Detective is Not Russian Enough
 *  ============================================
 *  Chapter 1: Are we going to fix this problem yetplain
 *  Chapter 2: Getting in the right headspaceplain
 *  The Wild and Wacky Water Caper
 *  ==============================
 *  Episode 1: Murder? Definitely Murderplain
 *  Episode 2: What about me?plain
 *  Episode 3: Microwave?plain
 *  Epidose 4: Why Can't I?plain
 *  Episode 5: Medibabble?plain
 *  Episode 6: Irrelevancy?plain
 *  Episode 7: Mr. Who?plain
 *  Episode 8: Wacky Water?plain
 *  Episode 9: Wacky Waterplain
 *  Episode 10: Really Wackyplain
 *  Episode 11: Murder Medicineplain
 *  We also have our original detective vs. badguy story here:
 *  AkP's Favourite Detective vs. The Bad Guygopher-menu
 *  And we have the next one available too:
 *  AkP's Favorite Detective vs. The Evil Groupgopher-menu
 *  Need to set up Dial-up in Debain Linux? We've got you covered.
 *  (Only up-to-date with Squeeze.)
 *  Dial-Up Networking in Debian Squeezeplain
 *  FrillerIdiot Tech Review: Microchip Bellybutton Insertsplain
 *  Other Cool Gopherholes
 *  ======================
 *  Solderpunk
 *  gopher://grex.org:70/1/~nydel
 *  Floodgap (as is tradition)

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